Invitation from CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development)

CAFOD’s Family Fast Day this Harvest will be marked on Friday 4 October - the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi.   
This Fast Day we feature just one example of many where the Catholic community’s trust in CAFOD can enable practical change. We share the story of Daniel from Democratic Republic of the Congo – a country blessed with potential, but where so many face barriers to living a full life.  

Daniel said: “We grew up in a life that is not easy. It was a life of struggling all the time.” 

However, by joining a local carpentry training project funded by CAFOD, Daniel has developed his skills and built his own small workshop where he makes furniture – with the number of orders for items growing. The project provided the training, tools and safe spaces to help Daniel and others like him.
Funds raised from Fast Day help CAFOD honour requests to support long-term change.  

To mark Family Fast Day in your parish community CAFOD have developed a suite of downloadable resources including bidding prayers, poster, prayer card and short talks.

Family Fast Day resources

Read Daniel's Story